We are makers, from within the Architecture, Interior Design, Real Estate and Marketing Digital Industries, with our base in Amsterdam.

We have seen first hand the incredible waste in time and materials with a traditional building process. At the same time we also know the meaningful benefits well designed, considered spaces bring to our clients in how they and their families live and enjoy their lives.

We hope to shape the Building Industry for the better - creating a best practice, positive and impact that results in affordable, architecturally crafted efficient homes available to the many, not just the few.

About us



With a background in Architecture & Urban Design in New Zealand and the Netherlands Simon leads our product development.


20 years of experience in interior design, working on a variety of projects. Specializing in both functional and creative solutions, Sarah oversees all design aspects and options for our Moss houses.


With expertise in real estate in France, customer service, and digital marketing, Vincent ensures a seamless experience in acquiring Moss houses, making it as smooth as possible.


We want to simplify the way we design, build and deliver custom made homes. We do this by combining the benefits of low waste, high precision and factory based production with a high degree of choice in layouts, finishes and materials. We do this transparently with clear pricing and the true environmental and energy footprint.

We Make Open Smart & Sustainable houses


Architecturally designed

All of our Houses are architecturally designed, with enhanced floor-plans that optimise space and flow of indoor outdoor living, with a superior interior designed luxury fittout.

Quality craftsmanship

Our Houses are pre-built with precision perfect manufacturing methods in an indoor, controlled environment.

This ensures high quality craftsmanship, high performance and efficiency, and reduced waste and cost.


LIGHT & Energy efficient

Our Houses are designed to maximise light and heat, keep that warmth in, and perform to the highest of energy standards. As the full extent of the current begins to unfold around us, looking for alternative energy efficient ways of living is more important than ever.   

Community minded

We care about our community and society as a whole. We've seen how the housing crisis has affected our local community, and the respective countries we as a team come from. The shortage of good quality, affordable housing is a global issue that we're passionate about and committed to improving.


Smart way to live

Our Houses are designed for a smarter way of living. Immersive connection with the outdoors, versatility for the seasons, low energy usage, off-grid capabilities, space efficient, smart acoustic solutions, durability... the list goes on.

Smart way to invest

Our Houses are an investment opportunity - complete houses  fully furnished & ready to go offering instant value on the local market - can be instantly listed as brick and motar home compared to lots of tiny homes of varying quality and performance.



We care about the environment - we are working with engineers to be as circular / most sustainable as possible and for that to be the core of how we develop, continually aiming to improve in the area of sustainability. We hope to shape the notoriously wasteful Building Industry for the better - creating a best practice, positive and impactful example to our peers.

LIGHT & Energy efficient

Our Houses are designed to maximise light and heat, keep that warmth in, and perform to the highest of energy standards. As the full extent of the current begins to unfold around us, looking for alternative energy efficient ways of living is more important than ever.